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The 3rd International Symposium on the frontier of Stress medicine was successfully held in our school

Post time:2019-10-08 Viewed:

On the 23thand 24thof September,on the occasion of the 70th anniversary of the founding of People's Republic of China and the 123rd anniversary of Sichuan University, the third “International Symposium on the frontier of Stress Medicine” was held grandly in the lecture hall of the Yifu Basic Medical Building in the West China campus of the university. The symposium was jointly sponsored by West China School of Basic Medical Sciences & Forensic Medicine, West China Second Hospital, West China Public Health School (West China Fourth Hospital) and the 2ndAffiliated Hospital of Chengdu Medical College Nuclear Industry 416 Hospital. Over 200 students and teachers attended the symposium. A total of 20 well-known domestic and overseas medical experts from different universities and institutes were invited, including Duke-NUS Medical School, National University of Singapore, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, The City University of Hong Kong, Chinese Academy of Science, Peking University, Shanghai Jiao Tong University,etc.


The opening ceremony of the symposium was presided by professor Changlong Li , party secretary of the school. Professor Lin Zhang, Vice President of Sichuan University gave a short speech to show his greetings and gratitude to the experts and scholars who were invited on behalf of the university. After briefly introducing the history of Sichuan University and the current development of stress medicine, Professor Zhang made a prospect of strengthening the development of Stress Medicine. He hoped to promote the in-depth cooperation of the school with notable universities, research institutions, experts and scholars from home and abroad through this symposium, so that we could comprehensively improve the discipline ranking and scientific research level, making an essential contribution to build the special medical science group which led by stress medicine into a world-class discipline as soon as possible, gathering strength for our grand goal of “establishing a first-class university” for Sichuan University.


Afterwards, Professor Zhang, on behalf of the university, awarded the appointment letters of Guest Professors of Sichuan University for 9 domestic and foreign experts.


This symposium was divided into 4 academic lecture series, respectively hosted by Professor Xue Zhou & Professor Yang Qin, Professor Yiping Hou & professor Ji Zhang,Professor Lang Bao & Professor Liming Zhou, Professor Linchuan Liao & Professor Jianguo Qi. Experts who were invited shared the latest results from their research group and the international frontier of their research field, including the genesis and development on tumor, mechanism of metabolic diseases, clinical drug screening and forensic biology.

The scholars all gave fascinating and attractive reports and discussed frequently with the participant, creating a relaxing and cheering atmosphere, giving a deep impression to all guest experts.


Professor Canhua Huang, Dean of the School, delivered the closing speech, expressing his sincere gratitude again on behalf of the school to all experts and scholars. He also hoped that all teachers and students from school to stay true to their original inspirations, keep forging ahead, constantly enhance their academy levels and strive to promote the development of discipline.